Where baby Fox meets Daddy Jim and Mamma Lu...

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Mom and Dad still breathing...

As we wind down our first week with Fox, we remember all the tender and sweet moments that are shared between a newborn and his parents... the gentle burbles of li'l Fox, soft as a whisper...the serene moments gazing at this cherub heavy with sleep on your chest or in your arms...and those dubious moments when we watch his plump, pink face in wonder, as its shade deepens to red, then an eerie shade of lavender and his lips purse and fists wriggle out of his blanket, is he about to scream... cry... burb... poop... or all of the above?

Fox and Lotta sitting in a tree...

Lotta lays eyes on Fox for the first time. After watching him with great uncertainty, she realizes that he is sleeping and poses little threat. Needless to say, she is glad when Mama Mirja returns the Fox at the end of the evening and Lotta is once again the baby of the house.

Fox and friends...

Though he is a mere 6 days young, Fox has managed to make quite a few friends. Here are some shots of the little guy with some of his more animated inanimate friends. The more tarnished friends are almost 30 years old, while the sparkling amigos are closer to Fox's age.

Monday, October 10, 2005

Fox sporting Dad's gear

Here is little Fox sporting Dad's "going home" outfit. To be fair, papa is 5 days old in the pic while Fox is a mere 4 days old.

How bout this new camera...

Roll those credits please...this blog was made possible by the generous contributions of New England's finest ladies. Gearing up for a shower to celebrate the baby on Friday night, these gals gathered instead to welcome us all home from the hospital. The camera was awaiting us on the front porch. Perfect timing! You all know who you are-so thank you. Friends and family scattered around the country thank YOU for their first chance to lay eyes on the little one. Cheers!

I'm ready for my close-up camera boy...

Fox and Bear

A couple of pics of Fox and his bear from the Claytons. Thought you might want to see the bear for yourselves. Thanks again!

Sunday, October 09, 2005

Fox and Samuel are Introduced

Ted and Samuel checking out Fox and his daddy-o.

Samuel is a solid 2 months and one day Fox's elder and Fox is a little intimidated by the size of his older friend. Fox has a little catching up to do.

Here's hoping that we can show this pic to these guys when they are older...

And some pics...

New Happy Family

We came home on Friday and had all sorts of help. Since Fox was in such a hurry to get out, we had not gotten quite a few supplies. Fortunately, we had some ladies stand in on the shopping front and we shortly had groceries, diapers, blankets and all the fixin's to take care of the new arrival.

Formal Introduction

Thomason Baby Productions proudly presents James Fox Thomason Jr. AKA Fox, Foxy, Li'l Fox, Baby Fox, Sly Fox, etc.
He was born on 10/5/05 at 10:38. His amazing momma Lu is a trooper and endured an ER style entrance to the hospital a mere 30 minutes before the little guy appeared.
Fox weighed 7lb-0.8oz and was 19" long at birth. Now he is 6'-4" 240 and being recruited by our struggling New England Patriots. Posted by Picasa