This concludes tonight's broadcast...
I hope you all enjoyed the blitz of pictures on the blog tonight. I figure with the Pats blowing the playoffs, its the only blitz we'll see around Boston for a few months.
So I will sign off tonight with a few thoughts. I apologize to all of you that would rather just see another pic of the beautiful baby we call Fox, but I feel it is necessary to express just one more thing that I am not sure can be said in photos.
When I look around me, at all the craziness in the world, the good, the bad, and the ugly, I am reassured to know that we can all share in this little corner of the electronic world. That we can find our way to these moments of anticipation to see what Fox looks like now, to notice a new chin that showed up since last he appeared, or a shade of green forming in his eye. And maybe while we look into his little cherub face we can forget all the madness of the world, forget the sadness and the heartache that stares back at us each time we step out the door or turn on the TV. Instead we can remember, that right here, within our grasp is our own reminder that we don't need to walk out that door, or turn on that TV ... we have opened up our hearts to the curator of this new museum of chaos, and he brings that craziness home to us each morning, noon, and night ... and for some reason, we love him for it.