Where baby Fox meets Daddy Jim and Mamma Lu...

Saturday, November 26, 2005

Now I lay me down to sleep...

After about 72 hours with little more than cat naps, Fox crashes hard. Lu and I are banging frying pans in the background while Abs and Nonny blasted air horns, and still Fox did his best impersonation of a cherub.

Dear Mom...

I am crazy about my mommy. She has put up with a lot over the last few days so I decided to be extra cute yesterday and then only woke her up twice last night. It is hard to be good, though ... won't keep it up much longer.

Is that a baby in your belly...

or is it Brooklyn Black Chocolate Stout season again! A trip to Harvard Square for hot choco.

Me and the Thomasons...

Well, I guess its not really me and the Thomasons, it is me, one of the Thomasons. Families are funny that way, guilt by association.

The smoosh...

Recently my parents have set about giving me numerous nicknames. The one that tends to stick (no pun intended) is Smoosh, should I be offended?

Trapped in the forest...

I have ventured deep into the rain forests of Panama, I have travelled through thick gnarl in swamps of European lore, but I have never found myself in such a hairy predicament as this! HELP!!!

Sunday, November 20, 2005

I'm baaack...

Met some old(er) folks this past week that seemed to like me. After turning on the charm a bit, I ended up with this great soft and fluffy pooch. So I took a few pics...