Thursday, January 12, 2006
Not to be forgotten...

The man with the sling this week had slightly darker and straighter hair than the usual suspect, but the effects were the same. Poppy took the smoosh for hours at a time in hopes of relieving some neck pain and imprinting his face on the still impressionable Fox. The results were plenty of nap time for the lil guy and lots of smiles from the big guy...we tried to catch a few.
Christmas on the Cape (Part II)

In addition to Mat and Kim, Fox got to visit with Aunt Abby one more

Sunday, January 08, 2006
Stay tuned...
Its been some time since the foxhole has been updated. The man of the hour has undergone some pretty impressive ups and downs along the way. So as we ease back into regular updates, I thought it prudent to remind the audience of the star of our show, Fox ... "The Smoosh". No need to worry, the tale of Christmas on the Cape is soon to follow.